About P.B.C. PAL
The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office proudly supports and staffs the efforts of the Palm Beach County Police Athletic League (PAL). The PAL Program encompasses all of the unincorporated areas of Palm Beach County and partners with many of the municipalities.
Palm Beach County PAL is a registered National PAL program made up of a Board of Directors, Executive Director, Sheriff's Deputies, Police Officers and the backbone of the organization, it's volunteers. Palm Beach County PAL is a 501(c)(3)-Charitable Organization, (Federal Tax Identification Number: 65- 0461384) and is registered with Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Solicitation of Contributions Section. Palm Beach County PAL is partially funded by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office and relies heavily upon grants, donations, special events and fund-raisers to obtain the funds necessary to conduct the activities needed to keep the youth busy with organized activities and enrichment.
The PAL Mission Statement
It is the Palm Beach County Police Athletic League's (PAL's) mission to build partnerships between youth, law enforcement, and the community through recreational and educational programs designed to encourage, enhance and develop good citizenship and improve the quality of life in Palm Beach County.
What is PAL?
The Police Athletic League (PAL) is a youth enrichment program that relies on educational and recreational activities to cement a bond and create trust and understanding between law enforcement and youth.
More than a Program
The Police Athletic League program is based on the conviction that young people; if they are reached early enough; can develop strong positive attitudes towards police officers in their journey through life toward the goal of maturity and good citizenship.
The PAL program brings youth under the supervision and constructive influence of law enforcement and expands public awareness about the role of a law enforcement in their communities. Part of that role is the reinforcement of the responsible values and attitudes instilled in young people by their parents. Studies have shown that if a young person respects law enforcement on the ball field, gym or classroom, the youth will likely come to respect the laws that law enforcement applies and enforces. Such respect is beneficial to the youth, the police officer, the neighborhood and the business community.
Why PAL?
The relationship between sport and juvenile delinquency has been the subject of much discussion. Throughout the twentieth century, physical educators, educational sociologist, educational psychologist and penologists have contended that sports can serve as an effective and powerful antidote to delinquency. The idea that sport serves as a deterrent to delinquency was first espoused in the English public schools during the nineteenth century. Sport was used as a substitute for stealing, bullying and drinking that dominated the leisure hours of the English students.
As one of the most integral and venerated components of the education system, youth sports programs have contributed significantly to the reduction of delinquency. The considerable financial and administrative support that teachers, parents and coaches give to youth sports is generated in part by the conviction that athletic participation instills certain desirable educational, social, and personal values that prevents the occurrence of delinquency. PAL is a most effective tool in this effort.
Teaming & Volunteering
Many opportunities are available to work/volunteer/play with the Palm Beach County PAL Program. PAL welcomes organizations and businesses to team together to offer activities to the youth of Palm Beach County. Volunteers are encouraged and needed to support and coach youth in many different activities and sports that PAL organizes throughout the year.
If you and or your organization would like to work, volunteer or participate in the Palm Beach County PAL Program, please call, (561) 687-6771 or E-mail: pbcpal@pbso.org
Board of Directors
Palm Beach County PAL Board of Directors is made-up of volunteer civilians from various locations throughout Palm Beach County. The board consist of an Executive Committee: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary and Board Members.
President/Attorney: Peter Holton, PA
Vice President: Bruce Boyd
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Amanda White
Members: Ron Mattino, Shawn McGruder, Tammy Bussey, Eddie Nelson, Chad Upson, Craig Spatara, John Webb
Sponsorship / Donation
Palm Beach County PAL is a 501(c)(3) organization that relies heavily on the support and kindness of the community. PAL has a number of ways you can support and be a part of the PAL Program. Some of the sponsorship opportunities include: sponsoring a League or Team, participating in one of our special events that serve as our annual fundraisers throughout the year.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for fund raising activities, please call Scott Scrivner (561) 687-6771. If you would like to sponsor or donate to the Palm Beach County Police Athletic League, please click on the donate botton or make your tax deductible check to:
Palm Beach County PAL or PBC PAL and mail to:
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
Attn: Palm Beach County PAL
3228 Gun Club Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33406